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  • 12:00pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on passage of H.R.1295, as amended with the text of S.1267 (AGOA); Passed: 97-1 Next: Passage of H.R.644, as amended with S.1269, Customs (60-affirmative vote threshold) 2:00pm-1 roll call vote: Cloture, upon reconsideration, on the motion to...
  • The Senate has begun debate on H.R.1295, as amended with the text of S.1267 (AGOA), and H.R.644, as amended with the text of S.1269 (Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (Customs and Currency)). The time until 12:00pm will be equally divided between the two Leaders or their...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Thursday, May 14, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 10:00am. At 10:00am, the Senate will proceed to the immediate consideration of Calendar #57, H.R.1295 and Calendar #56, H.R.644, en bloc. The...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Executive Calendar #80, Sally Quillian Yates, of Georgia, to be Deputy Attorney General; confirmed: 84-12. Legislative Business Adopted S.Con.Res.10, supporting the designation of the year of 2015 as the "International Year of Soils" and supporting locally led soil...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of 2 votes at 12:00pm and 1 vote at 2:00pm tomorrow, Thursday, May 14. Those votes would be on the following: 12:00pm-2 roll call votes: Passage of H.R.1295, as amended with S.1267, AGOA/Preferences (60-affirmative vote threshold) Passage...
  • 2:00pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #80, the nomination of Sally Yates, of Georgia, to be Deputy Attorney General; Confirmed: 84-12
  • At 1:00pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #80, the nomination of Sally Yates, of Georgia, to be Deputy Attorney General. There will be one for debate equally divided prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination. If all time is used, the vote would...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for one hour, with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Democrats controlling the final half. Following morning business, the Senate...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.1314, legislative vehicle for trade legislation; not invoked: 52-45. Legislative Business Passed H.R.1075, Raul Hector Castro Port of Entry Executive Business
  • The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the Chair in order to allow for an all Senators briefing on FISA. We expect the recess to last approximately an hour.
  • Cloture was not invoked on the motion to proceed to H.R.1314 (Trade vehicle) by a vote of 52-45. Senator McConnell changed his vote to no and entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote at a later time. The Senate is debating the McConnell motion to proceed to H.R.1314, with senators...
  • 2:32pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.1314, the legislative vehicle for the trade related legislation; Not Invoked: 52-45 We are told that if we are able to proceed to the bill, the Republicans would offer Hatch amendment...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 12:30pm with the time equally divided and with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. The Senate will recess from 12:30...
  • Roll Call Votes Adoption of S.Con.Res.16 (policy on release of United States citizens in Iran); adopted: 90-0. Legislative Business Passed Calendar #67, S.136: Gold Star Fathers Act of 2015 Passed Calendar #69, S.179 and Calendar #70, S.994, en bloc: postal naming bills Passed Calendar #71,...
  • 5:34pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on adoption of S.Con.Res.16, stating the policy of the U.S. regarding the release of U.S. citizens in Iran. Adopted: 90-0
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 3:00pm on Monday, May 11, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. At 5:00pm, there will be up to 30 minutes of debate prior to a roll call vote on...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on Corker-Cardin amendment #1140 (substitute) to H.R.1191; invoked: 93-6. Passage of H.R.1191, as amended; passed: 98-1. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.175, recognizing the roles and contributions of the teachers of the United States. Executive Business
  • At 5:00pm on Monday, May 11th, there will be 30 minutes of debate equally divided prior to a vote on adoption of S.Con.Res.16, stating the policy of the U.S. regarding the release of U.S. citizens in Iran. If all time is used, the vote would occur at approximately 5:30pm.
  • 2:25pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on passage of H.R.1191, Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, as amended. Passed; 98-1
  • 2:01pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Corker-Cardin substitute amendment #1140 to H.R.1191 (Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act). Invoked: 93-6 Next: Passage of H.R.1191, as amended