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Senate Floor Schedule For Wednesday, November 18, 2009

  • Following the Leader remarks, Senate Rockefeller will be recognized to speak for as much time as he may consume. Following his remarks, there will be a period of morning business for 2 hours with the time equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees. The Majority will control the first 60 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 60 minutes.
  • The Senate is in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.
  • Following morning business, the Senate will resume post-cloture debate on the nomination of David Hamilton to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. If all post-cloture debate time is used, the Senate would vote on confirmation of the nomination at approximately 11:00pm Wednesday.
  • The Senate also reached an agreement to consider S.1963, Veterans Health Care initiatives bill upon disposition of the Hamilton nomination. Under the agreement, the only amendment in order is the Coburn amendment regarding funding priorities. There will be 30 minutes of general debate on the bill and 3 hours for debate on the amendment.
  • Senators will be notified when any votes are scheduled.