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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Monday, May 18, 2009

  • Confirmed the following Executive nominations:
  • Neal Wolin-Dep Sec Treasury
  • John Sepulveda-Asst Sec of Vets Affairs (Human Resources)
  • Jose Riojas-Asst Sec of Vets Affairs (Operations Security)
  • William Gunn-General Counsel Vets Affairs
  • Roger W. Baker-Asst Sec Vets Affairs (Info Technology)
  • Rhea Suh-Asst Sec of Interior
  • David Sandalow-Ass Sec Energy (International Affairs)
  • Daniel Poneman-Dep Sec Energy
  • Margaret Hamburg-FDA Commissioner
  • Robert Work-Under Sec Navy
  • Raymond Mabus, Jr.-Sec of Navy
  • Thomas Lamont-Asst Sec Army
  • Paul Stockton-Asst Sec Defense
  • Andrew Weber-Asst Sec of Defense (Nuclear/Chemical)
  • Charles Blanchard-General Counsel-Dep of Air Force