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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Urgent Need To Deliver Critically Needed Support For Ukraine To Defend Its People Against Putin

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the imminent need to pass aid for Ukraine, and counter Vladimir Putin’s unlawful invasion. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

In the meeting with President Biden and Congressional leaders earlier this week, I relayed what President Zelesnkyy told me directly when I visited Ukraine: if Ukraine gets the aid they need, they will win the war. If they don’t get those armaments, they will almost certainly lose.

Russia’s recent advancements haven’t been because of a lack of a Ukrainian plan or a lack of a will to fight or a lack of courage, strength, or dedication on behalf of the Ukrainian president and the Ukrainian people. I can assure you, that after meeting with President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people, their resolve to win the war is stronger than ever. Russian advancements have come simply because the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition.

If we don’t provide this aid ASAP, not only will Ukraine lose the war, but the United States will lose out to the Putins, the Xis, and other autocratic heads of state. We will lose out – the American people will lose out – economically, militarily, diplomatically, politically.

So, I say to Speaker Johnson: this is a true turning point for America – for our strength, for our credibility on the world stage, for our national security. Speaker Johnson, please don’t shrink from this moment. Let this supplemental bill – which passed with 70 votes here in the Senate – move forward. History is watching you.
