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The Floor
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  • This evening Senator Leahy withdrew the Leahy substitute amendment #3338 (Emergency Supplemental Appropriations), and, as a result, the pending first degree amendments fell along with it. Then Senate Reid offered a new substitute amendment #3395 (Emergency Supplemental Appropriations), filled the...
  • The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the chair. We expect to reconvene around 8:30pm. Prior to the recess, Senator Coburn modified his pending amendment #3371 and then divided his amendment. The divisions are as follows: Division I (per capita damage indicator) Division II (seriously...
  • Senator Bingaman has called up amendment #3344 (Approval of 2010 U.S.-Palau Agreement in response to Super Typhoon Bopha).
  • The Senate stands in adjournment under the provisions of S.Res.624, as a further mark of respect to the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii. Convenes: 9:30am The Senate will convene at 9:30am on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.  Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of...
  • No ROLL CALL VOTES   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Adopted S.Res.622, notifying the House of Representatives of the election of a President pro tempore. Adopted S.Res.623, notifying the President of the United States of the election of a President pro tempore. Adopted S.Con.Res.63, a concurrent resolution to...
  • Senator Reid made the following unanimous consent request for consideration of S.3276, the FAA Sunsets Extension Act of 2012 .  Senator Chambliss objected to the request. The text of the request and the unofficial transcript of their remarks are below. At time to be determined by the Majority...
  • The McCain amendment #3355 (strike emergency funding for forest restoration program) and the Tester amendment #3350 (additional funds for wildland fire management) are now pending to H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the emergency supplemental appropriations bill.
  • The Senate has resumed consideration of H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the Hurricane Sandy Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill. Senator Merkley called up the Merkley-Stabenow amendment #3367 (disaster relief for agriculture).
  • Convenes: 10:00am Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for one hour with the Majority controlling the first half and the Republicans controlling the final half. Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.1, the legislative...
  • No ROLL CALL VOTES LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Passed S.1792, the Strengthening Investigations of Sex Offenders and Missing Children Act of 2011. Passed S.1793, to amend title 28, United States Code, to clarify the statutory authority for the longstanding practice of the Department of Justice providing...
  • There will be no roll call votes this evening.
  • The Senate confirmed the nominations of Executive Calendar #833, Fernando M. Olguin, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, and Executive Calendar #875 Thomas M. Durkin, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of...
  • The Senate has begun consideration of H.R. 1, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2011. Senator Leahy, for Senator Inouye, offered a substitute amendment #3338 (the text of the Hurricane Sandy Emergency Supplemental Appropriations). Text and a summary of the amendment can be found on the...
  • At 5:30pm today, the Senate will proceed to a series of 2 votes on confirmation of the nominations listed below. We expect a voice vote on confirmation of the Olguin nomination and a roll call vote on confirmation of the Durkin nomination. - Executive Calendar #833 Fernando M. Olguin, of California,...
  • At 2pm today, there will be a moment of silence to honor the victims and their families of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT.
  • Convenes: 2:00pm Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 3:00pm with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. Following morning business, the Senate will begin consideration of H.R.1, the legislative vehicle for the emergency...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to vote on confirmation of the Olguin and Durkin nominations at 5:30pm on Monday, December 17. We expect a roll call vote on the Olguin nomination and a voice vote on the Durkin nomination. The agreement is as follows: On Monday, December 17, 2012, at 5:00 p.m.,...
  • ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to S.3637, the transaction account guarantee (TAG) extension legislation; Not Waived: 50-42 2)      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #830, Lorna G. Schofield, of NY, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of...
  • The Schofield nomination was confirmed by a roll call vote of 91-0. The Senate then confirmed the Geraci nomination by voice vote. Senator Reid then moved to proceed to H.R. 1, the legislative vehicle for the Hurricane Sandy Emergency Supplemental. We are working on an agreement to adopt the motion...
  • 2:18pm The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #830, Lorna G. Schofield, of NY, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York; Confirmed: 91-0