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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, December 22, 2010

  • Passed H.R.6523, the DoD Authorization bill, with Levin-McCain amendment.
  • Passed S.4053, the SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act.
  • Passed H.R.6398, a bill to require the Federal deposit Insurance Corporation to fully insure Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts.
  • Passed H.R.847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, with Gillibrand-Schumer amendment
  • Passed S.4058, a bill to extend certain expiring provisions providing enhanced protections for servicemembers relating to mortgages and mortgage foreclosures.
  • Passed H.R.6517, with Brown substitute amendment (Brown substitute is a 6-week extension of Andean Trade Preferences Drug Eradication Act and Trade Adjustment Assistance).
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.336: providing for the conditional adjournment of the House and Senate through January 5, 2011.
  • Adopted S.Con.Res.78, a concurrent resolution honoring the work and mission of the Delta Regional Authority on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Federal-State partnership created to uplift the 8-State Delta region.
  • Adopted S.Con.Res.71, a concurrent resolution recognizing the United States national interest in helping to prevent and mitigate acts of genocide and other mass atrocities against civilians, and supporting and encouraging efforts to develop a whole of government approach to prevent and mitigate such acts.
  • Adopted S.Res.705, a resolution providing for a technical correction to S.Res.700
  • Adopted S.Res.707, a resolution commending Lula Davis.
  • Adopted S.Res.706, a resolution extending the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group.
  • Adopted S.Res.432, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of the Year of the Lung 2010.
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.275, a resolution expressing support for designation of the week beginning on the second Sunday of September as Arts in Education Week.
  • Star Printed Calendar #706, S.583, the Building a Stronger America Act.
  • By unanimous consent, the Senate confirmed the following nominations:
  • Cal 616 - Jacqueline Berrien - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)
  • Cal 617 - Chai Feldblum - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)
  • Cal 618 - David Lopez - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) General Counsel
  • Cal 619 - Victoria Lipnic - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) (duplicate Cal)
  • Cal 620 - Victoria Lipnic - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)
  • Cal 1052 - Jonathan Woodson - Assistant Secretary of Defense
  • Cal 1180 - Wilfredo Martinez - State Justice Institute Board of Directors
  • Cal 1181 - Chase Theodora Rogers - State Justice Institute Board of Directors
  • Cal 1182 - Isabel Framer - State Justice Institute Board of Directors
  • Cal 1183 - Gene Dodaro - Comptroller General of the United States (GAO)
  • Cal 1184 - Samuel Angel - Mississippi River Commission
  • Cal 1196 - Michele Leonhart - Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Administrator
  • Cal 1197 - Stacia Hylton - US Marshals Service Director
  • Cal 1198 - Robert Underwood - National Board for Education Sciences Board
  • Cal 1199 - Anthony Byrk - National Board for Education Sciences Board
  • Cal 1200 - Kris Gutierrez - National Board for Education Sciences Board
  • Cal 1201 - Sean Buckley - Education Statistics Commissioner, US Dept of Education
  • Cal 1202 - Susan Hildreth - Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • Cal 1203 - Allison Blakely - National Council of Humanities
  • Cal 1209 - Patti Saris - US Sentencing Commission Member
  • Cal 1210 - Dabney Friedrich - US Sentencing Commission Member
  • Cal 1216 - Patti Saris - US Sentencing Commission, Chair (note Cal 1209)
  • Cal 1218 - Kevin Nealer - Overseas Private Investment Corporation Board Member
  • Cal 1219 - Carol Fulp - Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Cal 1220 - Jeanne Shaheen - Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Cal 1221 - Roger Wicker - Representative to the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • Cal 1222 - Gregory Nickels - Alternative Representative for the General Assembly of the UN
  • Cal 1223 - William Brownfield - Asst Sec of State for Int'l Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
  • Cal 1224 - Paige Alexander - Asst Administrator for the US Agency for International Development
  • Cal 1225 - Mark Green - Millennium Challenge Corporation Board Member
  • Cal 1226 - Thomas Nides - Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources
  • Cal 1227 - Alan Patricof - Millennium Challenge Corporation Board Member
  • Cal 1228 - Ramona Romero - General Counsel to the Department of Agriculture
  • Cal 1229 - Carolyn Colvin - Deputy Commission of Social Security
  • Cal 1230 - 1267 All Military Promotions
  • PN2530 - Roger Burger - US Marshal for Oregon
  • PN2351 - Charles Andrew - US Marshal for Southern District of Alabama
  • PN2374 - Christopher Thyer - US Attorney, Eastern District of Arkansas
  • All nominations on the Secretary's Desk including Foreign Service promotions.