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Senate Floor Schedule For Thursday, December 03, 2009

  • Resume consideration of HR3590, Health Care Reform.
  • It will then be in order for any of the Majority or Republican bill managers to be recognized for a total period of up to 10 minutes, with the time equally divided. The time prior to 11:45am will be for debate with respect to the Mikulski amendment #2791, as modified, (Women's Medical Care) and the McCain motion to commit, with the time equally divided and controlled between Senator Baucus and the Minority Leader, or their designees.
  • It is also in order for Senator Murkowski to call up amendment #2836 (Women's Medical Care) and for Senator Bennet (CO) to call up amendment #2826, which is a side-by-side to the McCain motion to commit.
  • No other amendments or motions to commit are in order during the pendency of these amendments and motion.
  • At 11:45am, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the following items:
  • Mikulski amendment #2791, as modified with Vitter amendment #2808; and - Murkowski amendment #2836.
  • Upon disposition of the above listed amendments, the Senate will continue to debate until 2:45pm the Bennet (CO) amendment and the McCain motion to commit, with the time equally divided and controlled between Senators Baucus and McCain or their designees.
  • At 2:45pm, the Senate will proceed to vote in relation to the following items:
  • Bennet (CO) amendment #2826 (Medicare), and - McCain Motion to Commit (Medicare). - All amendments and motion in this agreement require 60-affirmative votes for adoption. If 60 affirmative votes are not achieved then the amendment or motion would be withdrawn.
  • There will be no further roll call votes today.
  • The following amendments/motions are pending to HR3590: Whitehouse amendment #2870 (Sense of the Senate to protect Social Security surpluses and CLASS Act revenues in the bill); - Hatch Motion to Commit the bill HR3590 to the Committee on Finance with instructions to report the same back to the Senate with changes that do not include cuts in payments to Medicare Advantage plans totaling -$120 billion.