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Agreement to call up 4 amendments---Thune, Landrieu, Vitter and Tester

The Grassley amendment was tabled 57-43. Senator Reid then asked consent that at 11:30am today the Senate vote in relation to a series of amendments, with 60 vote thresholds (consent request can be found below). Senator Grassley objected. Senator Reid then asked consent to make those amendments pending. Senator Grassley asked that the Heller amendment be removed from the list. That was agreed to. As a result of this back and forth, it is in order for the following amendments to be called up:

-          Thune #1197 (permanent resident status after border completion);

-          Landrieu #1222 (citizenship for internationally adopted children);

-          Vitter #1228 (US-VISIT system); and

-          Tester #1198 (modify Border Oversight Task Force to include tribal government officials).

Senator Heinrich is now giving his maiden speech.

Reid request that Grassley objected to:

Leader:            I ask unanimous consent that the following amendments be in order to be called up:

-          Thune #1197 (permanent resident status after border completion);

-          Landrieu #1222 (citizenship for internationally adopted children);

-          Vitter #1228 (US-VISIT system);

-          Tester #1198 (modify Border Oversight Task Force to include tribal government officials); and

-          Heller #1227 (Nevada representative on Southern Border Security Commission).

That the time until 11:30am be equally divided, between the two managers, or their designees, for debate on these amendments; that at 11:30am, the Senate proceed to vote on the five amendments in this agreement in the order listed; that there be no second degree amendments in order prior to the votes; that all the amendments be subject to a 60 affirmative vote threshold; that there be two minutes equally divided in between the votes; and all after the first vote be ten minute votes.