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Agreement on Military sexual assault bills

The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the military sexual assault bills. When the Senate executes the agreement (likely within the next 2 weeks), there would be competing cloture votes on S.1752, the Military Justice Improvement Act of 2013 (Gillibrand) and S.1917, the Victims Protection Act of 2014 (McCaskill). If cloture is invoked on either of the bills, the Senate would immediately proceed to vote on passage of the respective bill, with no amendments, points of order, or motions in order.

Agreement on Military sexual assault bills:

At a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, with the concurrence of the Republican Leader, the Senate will proceed to the consideration to Calendar #251, S.1752. If a cloture motion is filed on the bill, there will be two hours of debate on S.1752 (Gillibrand) and S.1917 (McCaskill), equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate would immediately proceed to the vote on the motion to invoke cloture. If cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time would be yielded back and the Senate immediately would proceed to vote on passage on the bill. No amendments, points of order or motions are in order to the bill prior to the vote on passage. If the motion to invoke cloture on S.1752 is not agreed to, the bill would be returned to the calendar. Upon disposition of S.1752, the Senate would proceed immediately to the consideration of Calendar #293, S.1917. If a cloture motion is filed on the bill, the Senate would proceed immediately to the vote on the motion to invoke cloture. If cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time would be yielded back and the Senate immediately proceed to vote on passage on the bill. No amendments, points of order or motions are in order to the bill prior to the vote on passage. If the motion to invoke cloture on S.1917 is not agreed to, the bill be returned to the calendar.