Roll Call Votes
- Passage of H.J.Res.38 (Stream Protection Rule Resolution of Disapproval); agreed to: 54-45.
- Motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General; agreed to: 53-45.
- Motion to proceed to Legislative Session; agreed to: 51-47.
- Motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider Thomas Price to be Secretary of Health and Human Services; agreed to: 51-48.
- Motion to proceed to Legislative Session; agreed to: 52-47.
- Motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury; agreed to: 51-48.
- Motion to proceed to Legislative Session; agreed to: 52-48.
- Motion to proceed to H.J.Res.41, SEC Resource Extraction Resolution of Disapproval; agreed to: 52-48.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.27, honoring the life and achievements of Eugene A. "Gene" Cernan, with Cruz amendment to the preamble.
Adopted S.Res.43, recognizing January 2017 as National Mentoring Month.
Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.274 (Feinstein).
No Executive Business