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Schumer Statement On The U.S. Citizenship Act

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement today regarding the U.S. Citizenship Act:

“Today, Democrats are taking a momentous step in establishing a better immigration system for our nation by introducing the U.S. Citizenship Act. I’m proud to cosponsor this legislation alongside my colleague, Senator Bob Menendez, which would create an earned roadmap to citizenship for individuals documented and undocumented who have contributed tirelessly to our communities. This bill would also prioritize family reunification, boost our economy, address the root causes of migration, and establish a smart border management strategy. 

“Comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship has long been a priority of mine, and I believe it is one of the most important things this Congress can do. Throughout this pandemic, immigrants have continued to display their courage by serving on the frontlines as our health care workers, farm workers, and transportation workers, among many other essential duties. It’s time for our friends and neighbors who have fought to make sure America succeeds to live a life free of fear and uncertainty in the country they call home. It’s time that we reform a broken immigration system to build a stronger American economy for all. 

“I remain committed to working with my colleagues in the House and Senate, and the Biden administration in ensuring that this critical legislation becomes law.” 
