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Schumer Statement On Report That President Trump Again Surrendered To NRA And Will Not Support Meaningful Legislation To Address Gun Violence Epidemic

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement in response to a report that President Trump is  abandoning his commitment to pass background checks legislation to combat gun violence after a string of mass shootings this summer:

“President Trump has no one to blame but himself for breaking his promise to strengthen background checks and curb gun violence in a meaningful way. Despite our skepticism - based on past experiences - that the president was serious about curbing gun violence, Democrats have been working in good-faith with the White House for many months to get something done.

“That President Trump once again caved to pressure from the corrupt leaders of the NRA and abandoned the desperately-needed effort to pass universal background checks legislation is deeply saddening, yet not unexpected. Democrats will keep pushing for meaningful action to protect Americans from gun violence. We will see how long and how many lives it will take before Republicans come to their senses and act.”
