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Schumer Statement on an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan ahead of Trump Administration Plan Release

Washington, D.C.Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer released the following statement on an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan ahead of the Trump administration plan release:

"We need a plan that will improve the prospects for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Any such plan must start by assuring Israeli security in a region where the threats are real and wars, like the conflict in Syria, are on Israel’s doorstep. I continue to believe that the goal must be a negotiated two-state solution with mutually agreed upon land swaps, a solution that ensures a safe and secure Israel can live side-by-side in peace with a demilitarized Palestinian state that provides self-determination for the Palestinian people. A sustainable peace deal must be negotiated directly between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Both sides should come to the negotiating table. Unilateral action taken by either side in response to the release of the Trump administration’s plan will diminish the prospects of a future peace. Real diplomacy via direct negotiations, while a long and arduous road, is the only path for a durable peace between the Israelis and Palestinians."