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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On Historic Advancement In Transmission Policy In Newly Released FERC Rules

New York, N.Y. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced two new rules that will lead to a historic advancement in our country’s transmission policy. These rules, which Leader Schumer relentlessly advocated for and included in his July 2023 letter to FERC, will build on the positive developments in the Inflation Reduction Act:

"The clean energy incentives included in the Inflation Reduction Act have been a huge success but much of that success would be lost without the ability to bring power from places that generate renewable energy to communities all across the country. A new historic advancement in our transmission policies is desperately needed, and the rules released by FERC today will go a long way to solving that problem. Simply put, these new rules will mean more low cost, reliable clean energy for the places that need it most.

“Last year, I pushed FERC to deliver a historic advancement in transmission policies that will lower costs and improve reliability by getting clean energy from where it is produced to where people live. I applaud FERC for recognizing the need to address this critical issue and acting to build upon the historic achievements of Senate Democrats to make our energy grid cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable.

“These new rules together with the Inflation Reduction Act will deliver lower costs for American families, cleaner air for our communities, and a brighter future for the youngest generation and beyond. This is exactly what we need to see the clean energy revolution we catalyzed with the Inflation Reduction Act come to fruition.

“FERC’s actions will help to fundamentally improve our power grid in the wake of the IRA.”
