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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Moving Forward On The National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate moving forward on the NDAA conference report and announced Senators can expect to take votes on the NDAA early next week. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

First, let me thank Chairman Reed of the Armed Services Committee for his great leadership, Ranking Member Wicker, and all the members of the Committee and the conferees for their good work in the past few weeks. So, in a few moments, I’ll lay down the NDAA conference report. After a lot of hard work on both sides, we’ve reached agreement for this year’s Defense Authorization Bill. Never easy, harder now than ever before.

I will be filing cloture on the NDAA later today. Members can expect to take votes on this early next week.

At a time of huge trouble for global security, doing the Defense Authorization Bill is more important than ever. The annual defense bill is a prime example of both sides cooperating on a strong, bipartisan package to strengthen America’s national security, to take care of our service members, keep the United States the leader in innovation.

When we began the December session, I said the Senate faces three important tasks: ending the hold on military nominees, which we did earlier this week, getting NDAA done, which we’re doing today and early next week, and then the biggest and hardest of all is passing the supplemental. We want to get that done as well, it’s critical, we’re going to keep working.
