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Leader Schumer And Speaker Pelosi Statement On Bicameral, Bipartisan Turkey Resolution

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following joint statement on the introduction of a bicameral, bipartisan resolution opposing the president’s decision in Syria. The resolution, H.J. Res. 77, is being led by House Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY) and House Committee on Foreign Affairs Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX), and by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Member Todd Young (R-IN):

“The chaos and insecurity unleashed in Syria by President Trump’s disastrous decision to precipitously withdraw from northern Syria require strong, smart leadership from Congress. 

“Since President Trump gave Turkey the green light to attack our Kurdish partners, Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate have been united in our swift and serious condemnation of this reckless action, which threatens countless lives, endangers our Kurdish partners and undermines our credibility in the world. Furthermore, President Trump’s action not only risks regional security, it risks security in our homeland because ISIS is resurging. Already, dozens of people have died and hundreds of ISIS supporters and families have escaped.

“We have always maintained that, while certainly needed, a sanctions package alone is insufficient for reversing this humanitarian disaster.  Today, the Congress continues bipartisan, bicameral leadership to reject President Trump’s dangerous actions in Syria.  With one voice, we call on President Trump to support Kurdish communities, to work to ensure that the Turkish military acts with restraint, and to present a clear strategy to defeat ISIS.  This resolution also urges President Erdogan to immediately cease unilateral military action in Syria.

“Sanity and strength must be immediately restored to America’s national security. We urge all of our colleagues – Democrat and Republican – to support this resolution.”

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