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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Urging The Supreme Court To Overturn the Fifth Circuit Ruling Restricting Access To Mifepristone And Democrats’ Continued Fight For A Woman’s Right To Choose

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the upcoming Supreme Court case on mifepristone and Democrats’ continued fight for abortion access. Yesterday, Leader Schumer joined colleagues in submitting an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court calling on them to reverse the Fifth Circuit ruling curtailing access to mifepristone. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday, I signed on to an amicus brief with over 260 of my Democratic colleagues urging the Supreme Court to reverse a dangerous circuit court ruling restricting access to mifepristone. We just learned that the Supreme Court will hear this case on March the 26th.

The FDA ruled mifepristone safe over two decades ago, but the hard-right continues to seek its prohibition.

The hard-right’s attacks on a drug that has been deemed safe for two decades shows how unhinged and limitless their desire is to eliminate freedom of choice in America. And the consequences of the hard-right’s anti-women agenda has already proven destructive to an appalling degree.

New research shows there is a significant increase in the number of rape-related pregnancies. This is truly horrific. All survivors of sexual violence deserve access to a full range of physical and mental health care services. But tragically, today, they don’t have that.

This is the new reality for women in post-Roe America. These extreme abortion bans have caused chaos and inflicted irreparable harm to thousands of women whose stories we will never hear.

Democrats will not stand by and watch the hard-right continue its all-out assault on reproductive rights.

We will continue fighting to protect a woman’s right to choose. We will not stop until we prevail.
