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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Announcing Final Passage Of Legislation To Repeal The Authorizations For Use Of Military Force Against Iraq As Soon As Tomorrow

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke on the Senate floor today following the Senate invoking cloture on the repeal of the Iraq AUMFs of 2002 and 1991 yesterday. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday, by a large bipartisan vote of 65-28, the Senate invoked cloture on legislation repealing the Iraq AUMFs of 2002 and 1991.

We will continue voting on amendments over the course of today, and members should expect final passage on repealing the Iraq AUMFs as soon as tomorrow.

I want to thank both sides of the aisle for their cooperation and bipartisanship. This has been a reasonable process here on the floor, with votes on amendments brought forth by our Republican colleagues.

I hope this process can serve as a blueprint for how the Senate can work on into the future, in the next few months for sure: we’ll have amendments without being dilatory. We’ll have debate without bogging down the process. We’ll look for opportunities to advance bipartisan bills as we did over the past two years.

So again, I hope this AUMF vote portends good things to come. I hope it can serve as a blueprint for how the Senate can work in this session of Congress, as we work together to make our country a better place. I want to thank Senators Kaine and Young, Chairman Menendez, and all the cosponsors of this legislation for their good work.
