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The Floor

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  • S.1868, 3-Month Extension of Higher Education Authorization (current extension expires 7/31/07) H.R.2429, Medicare Reciprocal Billing Arrangements S.Res.248, a resolution honoring the life of Dame Lois Browne Evans S.Res.261, a resolution expressing eppreciation for "Mr. Wizard" S.Res.280, a...
  • S.Res.270, a resolution honoring the 75th Anniversary of the International Peace Garden S.1856, a bill to make a technical correction to the new border tunnels and passages offenses
  • S.Res.274, Legal Counsel Representation S.Res.275, Minority Committee Appointments House Message on S.966, Passport Backlog Reduction (concur in House amendment)
  • S.Con.Res.27, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "National Purple Heart Recognition Day" (with Clinton clarifying amendment) S.Con.Res.41, a concurrent resolution commending the 1st Brigade Combat Team/34th Infantry Division of the Minnesota National Guard upon completion of the longest...
  • S.Res.268, a resolution designating July 12, 2007 as "National Summer Learning Day" S.Res.271, a resolution honoring Lady Bird Johnson S.Res.272, a resolution praising Muslim-American physicians who condemned recent terrorist acts in the United Kingdom S.975, a bill granting the consent and approval...
  • S.Res.226, a resolution recognizing the month of November 2007 as "National Homeless Youth Awareness Month" S.Res.240, a resolution designating October 21-27, 2007 as "National Save for Retirement Week"
  • S.Res.266, a reoslution making Minority Party Committee appointments S.Res.267, a resolution to honor the life of renowned painter, artist Tom Lea on the 100th anniversary of his birth
  • S.Res.263, Legal Counsel Representation H.R.710, Charlie Norwood Living Organ Donation Act (with Levin substitute amendment) S.Res.262, a resolution designating July 2007 as "National Watermelon Month" S.Res.265, a resolution to congratulate the St. Mary's College of Maryland sailing team for...
  • H.R.556, CFIUS (after amending S.1610, with Dodd substitute amendment striking and inserting text into H.R.556) S.966, Passport Backlog Reduction Act Star Print S.1710
  • H.Con.Res.179, Adjournment Resolution H.R.1830, Andean Trade Preference Act Extension (until February 29, 2008)
  • S.1704, a bill to temporarily extend the programs under the Higher Education Act S.1701, Transitional Medical Assistance and Abstinence Education Program Extension (to end of fiscal year 2007) S.Res.259, a resolution commending the Oregon State University baseball team for winning the 2007 College...
  • S.Con.Res.25, a concurrent resolution condemning the violence in Zimbabwe S.1612, a bill to amend the penalty provision in the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (with a Dodd technical amendment) S.Res.225, a resolution designating the month of August 2007 as "National Medicine Abuse...
  • S.Res.249, a resolution honoring the life of Ruth Bell Graham S.Res.250, a resolution condemning the military junta in Burma S.Res.251, a resolution honoring the firefighters and other public servants who responded to the fire in Charleston, South Carolina S.Con.Res.40, a concurrent resolution...
  • S.Res.242, a resolution celebrating the accomplishments of Title IX S.Res.243, a resolution supporting "National Clean Beaches Week" S.Res.244, a resolution designating June 2007 as "National Safety Month" S.Res.245, a resolution congratulating the University of Arizona Wildcats for winning the 2007...
  • S.Res.231, a resolution recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day S.277, Grand Teton National Park (with Enzi amendment) H.R.1429, Head Start Authorization (with Kennedy-Enzi substitute amendment) (Conference requested - appointed conferees)
  • S.Res.238, a resolution to allow the Secretary of the Senate to adjust salaries of employees as a result of the death or resignation of a Senator
  • H.R.692, Army Specialist Joseph P. Micks Federal Flag Code Amendment S.Res.213, a resolution supporting National Men's Health Week H.Con.Res.164, authorizing the use of the Rotunda for a Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony
  • S.Res.233, Minority party appointment Ethics Committee (replace Thomas with Isakson) S.Res.234, a resolution designating June 15, 2007 as "National Huntington's Disease Awareness Day"
  • H.R.57, Virgin Islands legislation S.Res.232, a resolution congratulating the University of Colorado at Boulder Men's Cross Country Team for winning the 2006 NCAA Championship
  • S.Res.110, a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-US dialogue and relationship S.Res.171, a resolution memoralizing fallen firefighters by lowering the U.S. flag to half-staff on the day of the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service in Maryland.