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  • On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 3009; A bill to extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, to grant additional trade benefits under that Act, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (64-32, 4 members not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details:...
  • On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 3009; A bill to extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, to grant additional trade benefits under that Act, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (64-32, 4 members not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details:...
  • H.R.5010, the Defense Appropriations bill H.R.3009, the Trade Act of 2002
  • On the Nomination: Confirmation D. Brooks Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be U.S. Circuit Judge Result: Confirmed (64-35, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: S. 812, as amended; A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals. Result: Passed (78-21, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on S. 812; A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals. Result: Agreed to (66-33, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Nomination: Confirmation D. Brooks Smith, of Pennsylvania, to be U.S. Circuit Judge Result: Confirmed (64-35, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion S.Amdt. 4345: Motion to Waive CBA re: Graham Amdt. No. 4345; To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide protection for all medicare beneficiaries against the costs of prescription drugs. Result: Rejected (49-50, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click...
  • On Passage of the Bill: S. 812, as amended; A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals. Result: Passed (78-21, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on S. 812; A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals. Result: Agreed to (66-33, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion S.Amdt. 4345: Motion to Waive CBA re: Graham Amdt. No. 4345; To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide protection for all medicare beneficiaries against the costs of prescription drugs. Result: Rejected (49-50, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click...
  • S.812, the Affordable Pharmaceuticals bill H.R.5010, the Defense Appropriations bill
  • On the Motion to Proceed: Motion to Proceed to Consider Conference Report on H.R. 3009; A bill to extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, to grant additional trade benefits under that Act, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (66-33, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Proceed: Motion to Proceed to Consider Conference Report on H.R. 3009; A bill to extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, to grant additional trade benefits under that Act, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (66-33, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4326: Motion to Table McConnell Amdt. No. 4326; To provide for health care liability reform. Result: Agreed to (57-42, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4326: Motion to Table McConnell Amdt. No. 4326; To provide for health care liability reform. Result: Agreed to (57-42, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • S.812, the Affordable Pharmaceuticals bill
  • S.1339, the Persian Gulf POW/MIA Accountability Act of 2001
  • On the Nomination: Confirmation: John E. Jones III, to be U.S. District Judge Result: Confirmed (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Nomination: Confirmation: Joy Flowers Conti, of Pennsylvania, to be U. S. District Judge Result: Confirmed (96-0, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]