3:51am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Lee motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Lee amendment #673 (2nd amendment point of order);
Not Waived: 50-49
3:37am The Senate began a roll call vote on the Cruz amendment #471 (reduce Egypt foreign aid/increase for East Coast missile defense fund)
Not Agreed to: 25-74
1:30am vote sequence:
Flake #225 (earmark point of order);
Graham #329 (sequester-allow members of congress to donate 20% of salary);
Heller #293 (sage grouse populations);
Boozman #527 (eminent domain);
Portman #153 (promote exports)
Ayotte #136 (MEADS);
We hope to do some of these by voice vote.
1:00am vote sequence
Johanns #624 (health care), agreed to by voice vote
Corker #295 (HSA and FSA), withdrawn
Burr #232 (BARDA), agreed to by voice vote
Wicker #538 (supermajority to waive unfunded mandate p.o.o.), agreed to by voice vote
Coburn #412...
11:56pm The Senate began a roll call vote on Inhofe amendment #359 (greenhouse gas);
Not Agreed To: 47-52
The Cardin amendment #706 was agreed to by voice vote