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DPCC REPORT: GOP Tax Scam 2.0 - More Handouts for Wealthy Corporations While Leaving American Families Behind

Democrats Are Committed to Growing the Middle Class

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Vice Chairman Cory Booker (D-NJ) today released a report outlining the new tax package from House Republicans.

The 2017 Trump tax giveaway increased the deficit nearly $2 trillion and gave the ultra-wealthy and largest corporations massive tax breaks. This new tax plan is more of the same – handing out tax breaks to the wealthy and well-connected while leaving middle-class families behind. The GOP plan comes directly after Republicans spent weeks railing about deficit reduction while pushing our country to the brink of default. Democrats have proven that if we invest in America, bring jobs home, and focus on lowering costs, we can grow our middle class.

The full report is below and can be found here.