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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Working To Pass Government Funding Legislation

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the need to fully fund our government for the next fiscal year. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Off the floor, negotiations continue between both parties on charting a path towards fully funding the government for the next fiscal year.

I spent much of the day yesterday going from one meeting to the next, sitting down first with Leader McConnell and his team and then with Speaker Pelosi and her team, and I stayed on the phone throughout the evening as Senators work to bridge the gap on funding. We are working very hard on getting something done before the deadline, but there is a lot of negotiating left to do.

Both sides understand that fully funding the government is extremely important, and anything less risks harm to our troops and the federal government’s ability to serve the public. We don’t want to see that outcome, so both sides must remain at the table and continue working.

Tomorrow, Senators will attend a classified briefing on the latest developments in the war in Ukraine. I hope it sinks in for all members in attendance just how critical U.S. aid has been not just for our allies but for our own protection. I hope it sinks in that this is one of the most important reasons why we must reach an agreement.

It’s not an easy process but it is supremely important nonetheless. For the well-being of our troops, for the preservation of our national security, and for the tens of millions of Americans who look to the federal government for a wide range of basic services, Democrats and Republicans must work together to fully fund the federal government.
