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Schedule for Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #311 Karoline Mehalchick, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.


At a time to be determined during Wednesday’s session, the cloture motions with respect to Executive Calendar #174 S. Kato Crews, of Colorado, to be United States District Judge for the District of Colorado, and Executive Calendar #311 Karoline Mehalchick, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Middle District of Pennsylvania will ripen.


As early as during Wednesday’s session, the Senate may consider the veto message with respect to S.J.Res.32, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to "Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)".


During Tuesday’s session, Senator Schumer filed cloture on Executive Calendar #375 Erika L. McEntarfer, of the District of Columbia, to be Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, for a term of four years. This cloture motion will ripen during Thursday’s session.


Roll call votes are expected during Wednesday’s session. Senators will be notified when they are scheduled.