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Wrap Up for Tuesday, December 13, 2022

 Roll Call Votes

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #1103, Jay Curtis Shambaugh, of Maryland, to be an Under Secretary of the Treasury; confirmed: 70-27.


Legislative Business

?Passed S.4926, Respect for Child Survivors w/Cornyn sub amdt
Passed S.5006, African Diaspora Heritage Month
Adopted S.Res.869, Portland Thorns

Adopted S.Res.870, Ash Carter
Agreed to the motion to concur S.198, Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act


Began the Rule 14 process to place the following bill on the Legislative Calendar of Business:

1. S.5244, Making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2023, extending various health programs, and for other purposes. (Lee)


Executive Business

Confirmed the following nominations:


·         Executive Calendar #977 - Michael Battle, of Georgia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the United Republic of Tanzania



·         Executive Calendar #1106 - William H. Duncan, of Texas, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of El Salvador

·         Executive Calendar #1113 - Heide B. Fulton, of West Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

·         Executive Calendar #1119 - Robert J. Faucher, of Arizona, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Suriname



·         Executive Calendar #1257 - Rachna Sachdeva Korhonen, of New Jersey, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Mali


·         Executive Calendar #1261 - Kenneth Merten, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Bulgaria

·         Executive Calendar #1262 - Julie D. Fisher, of Tennessee, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister- Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Cyprus

·         Executive Calendar #1263 - Christopher T. Robinson, of Maryland, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Latvia


·         Executive Calendar #1266 - Manuel P. Micaller, Jr., of California, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Tajikistan

·         Executive Calendar #1267 - Kristina A. Kvien, of California, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Armenia

·         Executive Calendar #1268 - Henry V. Jardine, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Mauritius, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Seychelles

·         Executive Calendar #1269 - Bijan Sabet, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Czech Republic

·         Executive Calendar #1270 - George P. Kent, of Massachusetts, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Estonia



·         Executive Calendar #1272 - Carol Spahn, of Maryland, to be Director of the Peace Corps


PN 2402, Stephen A. Owens, of Arizona, to be Chairperson of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigations Board


PN2249, Catherine J.K. Sandoval, of California, to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigations Board.



The vote on confirmation of the following nomination will occur at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Republican Leader:

1.      Executive Calendar #716, Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.