Roll Call Votes
1. Sanders amendment #1788 (re: 10 percent cut / investing that money in communities in which the poverty rate is not less than 25 percent); not agreed to: 23-77.
2. Tester amendment #1972, as modified (re: Agent Orange); agreed to: 94-6.
3. Motion to invoke cloture on substitute amendment #2301, as amended; invoked: 87-13.
Legislative Business
By voice vote, S.4065, Reinforcing American-Made Products Act.
By voice vote, Calendar #316, S.906, Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act, w/committee-reported amendment.
Adopted S.Res.617, designating July 22, 2020, as "Glioblastoma Awareness Day". (Graham/Markey/others).
No Executive Business