Roll Call Votes
1) Motion to invoke cloture on Shelby substitute amendment #201; not invoked: 44-49.
2) Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.268, Supplemental Appropriations; not invoked: 46-48.
Legislative Business
Adopted S.Res.133: honoring the life and legacy of Elizabeth Smith Friedman, Cryptanalyst.
Executive Business
As a reminder, during Monday’s session Senator McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #8, Jeffrey Kessler, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Executive Calendar #32, Roy Kalman Altman, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida. The first of those cloture motions will ripen one hour after the Senate convenes on Wednesday, April 3rd.
As a further reminder, on Wednesday, April 3rd at 11:00am, His Excellency Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), will address a Joint Meeting of Congress from the Hall of the House of Representatives in the U.S. Capitol. All Senators are invited to attend the joint meeting. Senators should begin gathering in the Senate Chamber at 10:35am to depart as a body at 10:40am for the Hall of the House.