The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Thursday, October 11,
Following leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive
Calendar #640, Jeffrey Bossert Clark, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Attorney
General, post-cloture. At 12:10pm, all post cloture time on the Clark nomination will
be considered expired and the Senate will vote on confirmation of the
As a reminder, Senator McConnell has also filed cloture on the
following Executive nominations:
Thursday at 12:10pm – 2 roll call votes:
Confirmation of Executive Calendar #640, Jeffrey
Bossert Clark, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Attorney General 2.
Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #641,
Eric S. Dreiband, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney General
Additional roll call votes are expected during Thursday’s session.