- 4 minutes equally divided prior to each of the votes in relation to the Coburn amendments and divisions;
- 10 minutes equally divided prior to the votes in relation to each of the Paul amendments;
- 8 minutes equally divided prior to the vote in relation to the McCain amendment #3355; and
- 10 minutes equally divided prior to the vote in relation to the Lee amendment.
That all other provisions of the previous order remain in effect.
As a reminder, under the previous order the following amendments are in order to the Supplemental:
- Cardin #3393 (surety bonds);
- Grassley #3348 (DOJ - vehicles);
- Feinstein #3421 (Army Corps projects), as modified with changes at the desk;
- Harkin #3426 (technical - grants);
- Landrieu #3415 (emergency reimbursement);
- Leahy #3403 (U.S. embassy security);
- McCain #3384 (Amtrak), as modified with changes at the desk;
- Bingaman #3344 (Palau);
- Coburn #3368 (cost sharing - Army Corps);
- Coburn #3369 (notification triggers);
- Coburn #3370, as modified and with two divisions - delinquent tax debts and fisheries);
- Coburn #3371 (severe disasters);
- Coburn #3382 (Merit based recovery contracts);
- Coburn #3383 (strike certain studies - Army Corps);
- Tester #3350 (Fire management);
- Paul #3376 (Non-application of Davis-Bacon);
- Paul #3410 (Offset)
- McCain #3355 (strike emergency forest restoration);
- Merkley #3367 (extend Agriculture disaster assistance programs), as modified;
- Lee #3373, as modified (special rules - retirement funds); and
- Coats #3391 (Republican alternative).