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Amendments to S.1867, DoD Authorization

The following amendments to S.1867, the DoD Authorization Act have been considered:
  • Ayotte amendment #1065 (force structure for strategic airlift aircraft) agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Cardin amendment #1188 (expand Operation Hero Miles); agreed to by voice vote
  • McCain amendment #1071 (evolved expendable launch vehicle program); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Roberts amendment #1086 (Captain Emil Kapaun Medal of Honor); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #1106 (report on status of implementation of Final Report of 2010 Army Acquisition Review panel); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Casey amendment #1140 (Comptroller General on DoD military spouse employment program); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Levin amendment #1219 (authority for military reserves to active duty to provide assistance in a disaster or emergency); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Kirk amendment #1084 (Iran Sanctions); withdrawn
  • Menendez amendment #1292 (bank of Iran); withdrawn
  • Leahy amendment #1072 (National Guard); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Udall (CO) amendment #1107 (review of military custody of detainees); Not Agreed to: 37-61
  • Levin amendment #1092, as modified (counterfeit electronic parts); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Paul amendment #1064 (repeal of Military Force Against Iraq Authorization Resolution); Not Agreed to: 30-67 (60-vote threshold)
  • Landrieu amendment #1115, as modified (SBIR); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Brown (OH) amendment #1260 (Buy American re: specialty metal); withdrawn
  • Brown (OH) amendment #1262 (DoD procurement, specialty metals); withdrawn
  • Wicker amendment #1056 (Military Chaplains, marriage choice); Agreed to UC
  • Ayotte amendment #1066 (Audit Readiness Plan); Agreed to UC
  • Inhofe amendment #1102  (unmanned aerial systems performing airborne inspections); Agreed to UC
  • Wicker amendment #1116 (Career assistance re: commercial motor vehicles); Agreed to UC
  • Shaheen amendment #1122; Agreed to UC
  • Reid amendment #1129; Agreed to UC
  • Reid amendment #1130; Agreed to UC
  • McCain amendment #1132 (statement of budgetary resource auditability); Agreed to UC
  • Blunt amendment #1134  (naming Navy vessels); Agreed to UC
  • Hagan-Portman amendment #1143; Agreed to UC
  • Begich amendment #1149, as modified with the changes at the desk (Land conveyance, AK); Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1162; Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1164; Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1165; Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1166; Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1167, as modified with the changes at the desk; Agreed to UC
  • Murray amendment #1178, as modified with the changes at the desk; Agreed to UC
  • Collins amendment  #1180, as modified with the changes at the desk (man-portable air-defense systems originating from Libya); Agreed to UC
  • Sessions amendment #1183, as modified with the changes at the desk (Nuclear Triad); Agreed to UC
  • Coburn amendment #1207; Agreed to UC
  • Nelson FL amendment #1210 (DDG-51 class destroyers, FL); Agreed to UC
  • McCain-Portman amendment  #1227; Agreed to UC
  • Casey amendment #1215, as modified with the changes at the desk; Agreed to UC
  • McCain-Portman amendment #1228; Agreed to UC
  • Shaheen amendment #1237; Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1240; Agreed to UC
  • McCain amendment #1245; Agreed to UC
  • McCain amendment #1250 (report on Probation of the F-35B program); Agreed to UC
  • Warner amendment #1266; Agreed to UC
  • Baucus amendment #1276; Agreed to UC
  • McCain amendment #1280; Agreed to UC
  • McCain amendment #1281, as modified (transfer arms to Georgia); Agreed to UC
  • Webb-Graham amendment #1298; Agreed to UC
  • Levin amendment #1301; Agreed to UC
  • Levin-McCain amendment #1303; Agreed to UC
  • Hatch amendment #1315; Agreed to UC
  • Portman amendment #1317; Agreed to UC
  • Cochran amendment #1324; Agreed to UC
  • Risch amendment #1326; Agreed to UC
  • Lieberman-Cornyn amendment #1332; Agreed to UC
  • Cardin amendment #1073 (DC National Guard Youth Challenge Expansion); withdrawn
  • McCain amendment #1230, as modified further (TRICARE); withdrawn
  • Corker amendment #1172, as modified (Coalition Support Fund re: Pakistan); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Merkley amendment #1257, as modified (Afghanistan); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • McCain amendment #1229 (cyber security agreement btw DoD and Dept of Homeland Security); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Ayotte amendment #1067, as modified (Congress notification of custody/disposition of Al Qaeda members and affiliate); withdrawn
  • McCain amendment #1246, as modified (US military force structure in Pacific); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Sessions amendment #1185, as modified (Missile Defense); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Inhofe amendment #1098, as modified (foreign boycotts); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Inhofe amendment #1094 (Dept of Commerce in contract authority); withdrawn
  • Inhofe amendment #1095 (mental health counseling); withdrawn
  • Inhofe amendment #1096 (treatment options for TBI and PTSD); withdrawn
  • Inhofe amendment #1101 (C-12 aircraft); withdrawn
  • Feinstein amendment #1125 (limiting military custody of detainees to those captured abroad); Not Agreed to: 45-55
  • Inhofe amendment #1093 (long term requirements for detainment of high-volume enemy combatants); withdrawn
  • Begich amendment #1114 (National Guard and Survivors); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • McCain amendment #1220 (AK Native Corporation contracting); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Reed amendment #1146, as modified (military technicians re: personnel category); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Levin amendment #1293, as modified (high speed ferries - Navy); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Boxer amendment #1206, as modified (defense contractors' salaries); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Chambliss amendment #1304, as modified (Air Force Material Command); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Pryor amendment #1151 (gratuity for Reserves); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Nelson (FL) amendment #1236 (flag officer positions - Air Force); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Blunt amendment #1133, as modified (employment rights for National Guard); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Murkowski amendment #1287, as modified (limit retirement of C-23); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Brown (MA) amendment #1090, as modified (Housing allowance, Nat'l Guard); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Collins amendment #1105 (certification requirements for transfer detainees); withdrawn
  • Collins amendment #1158 (Gitmo); withdrawn
  • Merkley amendment #1256 (Afghanistan); withdrawn
  • Rubio amendment #1290 (strike national security waiver authority for military custody); withdrawn
  • Merkley amendment #1174 (Afghanistan); fell
  • Franken amendment #1197 (small business contractors); fell
  • Shaheen amendment #1120 (access to reproductive healthcare for servicewomen); fell
  • Collins amendment #1155 (education assistance for physical therapy programs); fell
  • Inhofe amendment #1097 (psychological programs and TBI); fell
  • Inhofe amendment #1099 (hearing injuries/loss); fell
  • Inhofe amendment #1100 (products/services produced in Latvia); fell
  • Casey amendment #1139 (subcontractor notification); fell
  • Cornyn amendment #1200 (Multirole fighter aircraft to Taiwan); fell
  • Ayotte amendment #1068 (Authorize lawful interrogation methods); fell
  • Brown (MA) amendment #1119 (To protect child custody rights of deployed service members); fell
  • Brown (MA) amendment #1089 (Disclosure from institutions providing tuition assistance programs from DOD); fell
  • Udall (NM) amendment #1153 (Aviation smuggling provisions re: ultralight vehicles);fell
  • Udall (MN) amendment #1154 (Open burn pits); fell
  • Corker amendment #1171 (prohibits funding of security forces in Pakistan); fell
  • Corker amendment #1173 (SoS NATO); fell
  • Bingaman amendment #1117 (White Sands Missile Range & Fort Bliss); fell
  • Gillibrand amendment #1187 (defense IT/cyber workforce); fell
  • Gillibrand amendment #1211 (National Guard counseling and reintegration services); fell
  • Merkley amendment #1239 (Fry Spouse Scholarship); fell
  • Merkely amendment #1258 (HUBZone); fell
  • Leahy amendment #1186 (contracting); fell
  • Wyden amendment #1160 (Umatilla Army Chemical Depot); fell
  • Wyden amendment #1253 (reserve member reintegration); fell
  • Graham amendment #1179; fell
  • Heller amendment #1137 (make Jerusalem the capital of Israel); fell
  • Heller amendment #1138 (repatriation of US military remains from Libya); fell
  • McCain amendment #1247 (defense funds for Guam); fell
  • McCain amendment #1249 (cost-Plus Contracting); fell
  • McCain amendment #1248 (ship repairs in the Northern Marianas); fell
  • McCain amendment #1118 (surcharges collected by commissary stores); fell
  • Sessions amendment #1182 (Army Brigade Combat teams); fell
  • Sessions amendment #1184 (Naval Surface Vessels); fell
  • Reed amendment #1147 (military technicians re: bonuses); fell
  • Reed amendment #1148 (military technicians re: rights); fell
  • Reed amendment #1204 (pilot program on mental health); fell
  • Reed amendment #1294 (consumer credit protections for members of the Armed Forces); fell
  • Brown (OH) amendment #1259 (domestic manufactures to defense supply chain opportunities); fell
  • Brown (OH) amendment #1261 (small business HUBZones); fell
  • Brown (OH) amendment #1263 (John Kunkel Army Reserve Center, OH); fell
  • Wyden amendment #1296 (report re: indemnification of DoD contracts); fell
  • Pryor amendment #1152 (authorize Reserves as veterans); fell
  • Nelson (FL) amendment #1255 (burn pit exposure at Joint Base Balad); fell
  • Murkowski amendment #1286 (DoD IG report - TRICARE); fell
  • Rubio amendment #1291 (strike national security waiver authority -Gitmo); fell
  • Feinstein amendment #1126 (prohibiting military authority to indefinitely detain US citizens); Not Agreed to: 45-55
  • Feinstein amendment #1456 (detainees); Agreed to: 99-1
  • Menendez-Kirk amendment #1414 (Iran Sanctions); Agreed to: 100-0
  • Nelson (FL) amendment #1209 (Survivor Benefit Plan); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Leahy amendment #1080 (applicability of requirements of military custody of detainees); withdrawn
  • Sessions amendment #1274 (detention of enemy combatants); Not Agreed to: 41-59
  • Leahy amendment #1087, as modified (FOIA); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Udall (NM) amendment #1202,as modified (Buy America Act re: photovoltaic devices); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent