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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, November 15, 2001

  • H.R.2540, Veterans COLA (pass with a Rockefeller-Specter substitute amendment)
  • S.1389, Homestake Mine Conveyance Act (with Daschle substitute amendment)
  • S.739, Homeless Veterans
  • H.R.1042, Prevention of the elimination of certain reports
  • S.1202, Authorization of Appropriations for Office of Government Ethics
  • H.J.Res.74, Continuing Resolution until December 7th
  • S.1459, Courthouse designation
  • S.1270, Courthouse designation
  • S.1573, Afghan Women & Children (with Hutchison amendment)
  • S.Res.181, Legal Counsel Representation
  • S.Res.174, a resolution to thank England for their support
  • S.Con.Res.44, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (with Fitzgerald-Durbin amendment)
  • S.1196, Small Business Investment Act (with Bond-Kerry amendment)
  • House message on S.320, Patent & Trademark (concur with further amendment)
  • H.R.717, MD CARE Act
  • H.R.2924, Federal Power Marketing Act