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cloture filed on Sportsmen's Act-- 4pm filing deadline for first degree amendments--motion to proceed to Defense Authorization

The Senate adopted the motion to proceed to S.3525, Sportsmen's Act of 2012, by a vote of 92-5. Senator Reid then offered the Tester substitute amendment #2875 and a series of technical amendments to the bill. He also filed cloture on the underlying bill. Senators should expect the cloture vote to occur Thursday, November 15.

As a result of cloture being filed, the filing deadline for first degree amendments will be 4:00pm tomorrow, Wednesday, November 14. If your senator has a germane amendment and would like to preserve their ability to offer, please send a signed copy of the amendment to the cloakroom prior to the deadline so that we may file it at the desk for you.

Senator Reid then moved to proceed to Calendar #419, S.3254, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013.