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Roll Call Vote on passage of H.R.2029, MilCon-VA Approps

By voice vote, the Senate adopted the following amendments, en bloc:

Moran #2774

Murkowski #2775

Murkowski #2776

Blumenthal #2779

Blumenthal #2781

Toomey #2785

Sullivan #2786

Collins #2787

Collins #2788

Cornyn #2789

Bennet #2795

Durbin #2794

Boxer #2798.

The Senate then agreed to Brown amendment #2801, withdrew Kirk amendment #2764, and agreed to Kirk-Tester substitute amendment #2763, as amended, by voice vote.

At 12:45pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on passage of H.R.2029, Military Construction-VA Appropriations, as amended.

Passed: 93-0