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Senate Floor Schedule for Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.815, the Employee Non-Discrimination Act. During Wednesday's session of the Senate cloture was filed on S.815.  As a result, the first degree amendment filing deadline is 10:30am and the 2nd degree amendment filing deadline is 11:30am.

At 11:45am, there will be 2 roll call votes in relation to the following:

-          Toomey amendment #2013 (broadens the number of groups covered under the religious exemption) (60-vote threshold) and

(the committee-reported substitute amendment will be agreed to by unanimous consent)

-          Motion to invoke cloture on S.815, ENDA, as amended If cloture is invoked, there will be a 3rd roll call vote at 1:45pm on passage of S.815, ENDA, as amended.