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Amendments to H.R.2112, the Agriculture, CJS and Transportation Approps bills

The following amendments have been considered  to H.R.2112, the Agriculture, CJS, and Transportation/HUD Appropriations bill:
  • Cornyn amendment #775, as modified (Operation Fast and Furious); Agreed to: 99-0
  • McCain amendment #740 (eliminate TAA funding for firms); Not Agreed to: 44-55
  • Collins amendment #804 (vegetables in school meal programs); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • McCain amendment #739 (critical surface transportation); Tabled: 59-39
  • McCain amendment #741 (ethanol blender pumps and storage facilities); withdrawn
  • Sanders amendment #816 (energy efficiency programs for small businesses); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Coburn amendment #793 (transparency in federally attended and funded conferences); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Coburn amendment #798, as modified (prohibit funds for purchase of new passenger motor vehicles); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Murray amendment #772 (reconstruction of highway facilities damaged by natural disasters or emergencies); Withdrawn
  • Vitter amendment #769, as modified (drug reimportation) Not Agreed To: 45-55 (60-vote threshold)
  • Webb amendment #750, as modified (National Criminal Justice Commission)  Not Agreed To: 57-43 (60-vote threshold)
  • Merkley amendment #879 (freight and rail products made in the US) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 55-44
  • Brown (OH) amendment #874, as modified (Fair Housing Initiatives Program); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Moran amendment #815, as modified (spending levels for Watershed Protection); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Grassley amendment #860 (DOJ Federal Grants)(60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 46-54
  • Landrieu amendment #781 (farmer program loans); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Kohl amendment #755 (spending plan); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Vitter amendment #917 to Menendez #857 (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 41-57-1(present)
  • Menendez amendment #857 (extend loan limits for FHA, VA and others) (60-vote threshold); Agreed to: 60-38-1 present
  • Gillibrand amendment #869 (increase funding for emergency conservation/emergency watershed protection programs); Agreed to: 58-41
  • Lautenberg amendment #836 (Economic Development Assistance Program); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Bingaman amendment #771, as modified (funds to investigate trade violations); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Sessions amendment #810 (prohibit funds to allow categorical eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance program) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 41-58
  • Coburn amendment #791 (prohibit funds for direct payments to individuals with income over $1M); Agreed to: 84-15
  • Coburn amendment #792, as modified (end payments to slumlords) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 59-40
  • Coburn amendment #796 (end lending schemes) (60-vote threshold); Agreed to: 73-26
  • Ayotte amendment #753 (prohibit funds for prosecutions of enemy combatants in Article III Courts) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 47-52
  • Portman amendment #859 (beam rail elements and terminal sections); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • McCain amendment #892 (Rural Development offices); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Cantwell amendment #893, as modified (infectious salmon); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Cochran amendment #805, as modified (Fossil-fueled electric generating plants); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Burr amendment #890 (transparency of FDA); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Inouye amendment #918 (strike provisions re: Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Latin Americans of Japanese Descent); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Kyl amendment #912, as modified (US Marshals Service & courthouse security upgrades); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Rubio amendment #898 (Evaluation of Gulf Coast Claims Facility); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Thune amendment #809 (reimbursement for expenditures made in reliance of a grant erroneously awarded); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Hutchison amendment #806; Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Brown (MA)-Kerry amendment #889 (Audits of Fisheries Enforcement Asset Forfeiture Fund); Agreed to by Voice Vote
  • Inouye substitute amendment #738 (text of the 3 appropriations bills); Agreed to by Unanimous Consent
  • Coburn amendment #800 (Rural Development Agency); Not Agreed to: 13-85
  • Paul amendment #821 (TIGER grants) (60-vote threshold); Not Agreed to: 38-60
  • DeMint amendment #763 (epinephrine); Not Agreed to: 44-54
  • Crapo amendment #814 (derivatives - Dodd-Frank); withdrawn
  • Coburn amendment #801 (Small Community Air Service Development Program); Not Agreed to: 41-57
  • Lee motion to recommit H.R.2112 (FY11 levels); Not Agreed to: 39-60
  • DeMint amendment #764 (eliminate increase in funding); fell on point of order
  • Coburn amendment #794 (government programs annual report); withdrawn
  • Coburn amendment #795 (collect more than $500M from deadbeat developers); withdrawn
  • Coburn amendment #797 (Federal buildings construction/purchase/lease/renovation); withdrawn
  • Coburn amendment #799 (Rural Energy for America Program); withdrawn
  • Coburn amendment #833 (end direct payment program); withdrawn