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Amendments to S.1243, the THUD Appropriations bill

The following amendments are pending to S.1243, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill: The following amendment have been considered to S.1243, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill:
  • Vitter amendment #1744 (sexual abuse - housing aid); Agreed to: 99-1
  • Portman #1749, as modified (bridged in critical corridor program); Agreed to by voice vote
  • Coburn amendment #1756 (public disclosure of reports); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • McCain amendment #1803 (cyber security); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Boozman amendment #1785 (FHFA); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Udall (CO) amendment #1789 (highway-rail grade crossing); agreed to by unanimous consent
  • Toomey motion to recommit (House levels); Tabled: 56-42
  • Paul amendment #1739 (Egypt); Tabled: 86-13