Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017 (Republican reconciliation bill) with approximately 17 hours of debate remaining (8' 32" per side).
The time from 9:30am until 11:30am will be equally divided between the managers or their designees. At 11:30am Senator Murray, or designee, will be recognized to make a point of order against Paul amendment #271 (ACA repeal) and Senator Enzi, or designee, will be recognized to make a motion to waive. Following the motion to waive, the Senate will vote in relation to Paul SA #271.
Following disposition of the amendment, the time until 3:30pm will be equally divided on the Murray or designee motion to commit with a vote on the motion at 3:30pm. Upon disposition of the Murray motion, Senator Murray or her designee (Casey) will be recognized to offer an additional motion to commit.
Wednesday, July 26th at 11:30am - 2 roll call votes
Wednesday, July 26th at 3:30pm - 1 roll call vote
Amendments pending to H.R.1628, American Health Care Act of 2017
McConnell SA #267 (repeal ACA and to cure Byrd rule violations)
Enzi for Paul amendment #271 (ACA repeal)
Donnelly motion to commit (protecting Medicaid)