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Wrap Up for Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Roll Call Votes
  1. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #850, the nomination of Ronnie L. White, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri; Invoked: 54-43
  2. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #850, the nomination of Ronnie L. White, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri; Confirmed: 53-44
  3. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.2578, Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act; Not Invoked: 56-43

Legislative Business

S.Res.503, designating September 2014 as "National Child Awareness Month" to promote awareness of charities benefitting children and youth-serving organizations throughout the United States and recognizing efforts made by those charities and organizations on behalf of children and youth as critical contributions to the future of the United States

S.Res.504, directing the Senate Legal Counsel to appear as amicus curiae in the name of the Senate in Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, By His Parents and Guardians, Ari Z. and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky v. John Kerry, Secretary of State (S.Ct.).

Passed by voice vote Calendar #450, H.R.3212, Sean and David Goldman International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of 2013

Passed Calendar #458, Passed H.R.1528, Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act of 2014