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4:30pm votes--3 roll call votes on Hirono SA #2109, Tester SA #2107 and Alexander SA #2139 and 2 voice votes on Murray SA #2124 and Bennet SA #2115

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of 3 roll call and 2 voice votes at 4:30pm today. We expect roll call votes on Hirono SA #2109, Tester SA #2107 and Alexander SA #2139 and voice votes on Murray SA #2124 and Bennet SA #2115.

The time until 4:30pm is equally divided between the two managers or their designees. No second degree amendments are in order prior to the votes. Alexander amendment #2139 is subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold for adoption. There will be 2 minutes for debate equally divided between each vote.

4:30pm-3 roll call votes:

  1. Hirono SA #2109 (roll call vote)
  2. Tester SA #2107 (roll call vote)
  3. Alexander SA #2139 (60-vote threshold)
  4. Murray SA #2124 (voice vote)
  5. Bennet SA #2115 (voice vote)