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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, June 24, 2004

  • H.R.884, relating to the settlement of the Western Shoshone Tribe
  • S.Con.Res.83, a concurrent resolution promoting the establishment of a democracy caucus within the U.N.
  • H.R.4103, Africa Growth & Opportunity
  • S.Res.321, relating to the contributions of J. Robert Oppenheiimer
  • S.Res.394, Legal Counsel Representation
  • S.Res.395, Legal Counsel Representation
  • S.Res.396, a resolution commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Penn State University
  • H.R.2751, GAO Workforce Flexibility
  • S.2322, Federal Employee Insurance
  • S.Res.397, a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the transition of Iraq to a constitutionally elected government
  • Go to conference with respect to H.R.4200, the DoD Authorization bill and appoint conferees (Armed Services Committee Members)
  • S.Con.Res.120, Adjournment Resolution