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Cloture motions filed on TPA and Preferences/TAA bills--4pm Monday filing deadline

This evening, Senator McConnell filed cloture with respect to TPA and Preferences/TAA, and filled the amendment and motion trees. He filed cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, TPA. He then filed cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to H.R.1295, with an amendment  (Preferences with TAA amendment)

The cloture vote on TPA will occur at a time to be determined Tuesday morning (likely around 11:00am). If cloture is invoked, there would be up to 30 hours for debate on the motion to concur prior to a vote on the motion to concur (passage). Upon disposition of TPA, there would be an immediate cloture vote on the motion to concur in the House amendment to H.R.1295, with an amendment (Preferences and TAA).

The filing deadline for germane first degree amendments to H.R.2146 and H.R.1295 is 4:00pm Monday, June 22.

Pending motions and amendments:

H.R.2146, TPA

Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146 (TPA) (cloture filed on motion to concur)

Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146 with an amendment #2060 (date change) (4:00pm Monday, June 22 filing deadline for germane first degree amendments)

McConnell second degree amendment #2061 (date change) (second degree amendments must be filed 1 hour prior to the cloture vote)

McConnell motion to refer to the Committee on Finance H.R.2146, with instructions (SA #2062) (date change).

McConnell amendment #2063 to the instructions (date change)

McConnell second degree amendment #2064 (date change) to the instructions

H.R.1295, Preferences

Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.1295 (Preferences), with an amendment #2065 (TAA) (Cloture filed on motion to concur with an amendment)

McConnell second degree amendment #2066 (date change) (second degree amendments must be filed 1 hour prior to the cloture vote)

McConnell motion to refer H.R.1295 to the Committee on Finance with instructions (SA#2067) (date change)

McConnell amendment #2068 to the instructions (date change)

McConnell second degree amendment #2069 (date change)