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Wrap Up for Thursday, May 19, 2016

Roll Call Votes
  1. Collins motion to waive Lee budget point of order with respect to Blunt-Murray SA #3900 (Zika funding); waived: 70-28.
  2. Adoption of Blunt-Murray amendment #3900 (Zika funding); agreed to: 68-30.
  3. Cloture on substitute amendment #3896 to H.R.2577, THUD/MilCon-VA appropriations; invoked: 88-10.
  4. McCain motion to waive budget act re: McCain-Blumenthal amendment #4039; waived: 84-14.
  5. Collins-Reed amendment #3970 (housing); agreed to: 87-9.
  6. Motion to table Lee amendment #3897 (housing); tabled: 60-37.
  7. Passage of H.R.2577, THUD/MilCon-VA; passed: 89-8.

Legislative Business

Adopted Calendar #476, S.Res.469 - commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

No Executive Business