1) Lee amendment #2100 (terminate Ex-Im Bank) to H.R.2072, the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act; Not Agreed To: 12-87
2) Paul amendment #2101 (debt instruments); Not Agreed To: 9-89
3) Corker amendment #2102 (private sector financing); Not Agreed To: 36-62
4) Vitter amendment #2103 (energy products); Not Agreed To: 37-61
5) Toomey amendment #2104 (lending authority); Not Agreed To: 35-63
6) Passage of H.R.2072, Export-Import Bank Reauthorization; Passed: 78-20
Adopted S.Res.460, designating the week of May 20 through May 26, 2012, as "National Public Works Week".
Adopted S.Res.461, recognizing the teachers of the United States for their contributions to the development and progress of our Nation.
Completed the Rule 14 process of H.R.5652, Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012. (Republican request)
Began the Rule 14 process of S.3187, Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act. (Harkin & Enzi)