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Agreement to vote on motions to proceed to Budget resolutions

Following Leader remarks on Wednesday, May 16, there will be up to 6 hours for debate prior to a series of roll call votes on motions to proceed to the Budget resolutions listed below.

- Calendar #357, S.Con.Res.41 (Sessions-his interpretation of the Obama budget);

- Calendar #354, H.Con.Res.112 (Ryan);

- Calendar #356, S.Con.Res.37 (Toomey);

- Calendar #384, S.Con.Res.42 (Paul); and

- Calendar #395, S.Con.Res.44 (Lee, Paul, DeMint).

If all time is used, senators should expect a series of up to 5 roll call votes to begin around 4pm tomorrow. There will be 2 minutes for debate equally divided between the votes. All after the first vote will be ten minute votes.

Notwithstanding the adoption of any motion to proceed, the Senate would proceed to the remaining votes on motions to proceed. At the conclusion of these votes, the Senate would resume consideration of the budget resolution if a motion to proceed is adopted. If no motion to proceed has been adopted, the Majority Leader will be recognized.

Prior to agreeing to the consent, Senator Heller asked consent to vote on S.1981 (No Budget, No Pay Act). Senator Conrad declined to modify his request.