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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Friday, May 07, 2010

  • The Senate adopted the following resolutions by unanimous consent:
  • Cal. #261, S.Res.297, (Webb-Warner) Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
  • Cal. #262, S.Res.275, (Kerry-Kirk-Brown) Minute Man National Historic Park
  • The Senate passed the following bills by unanimous consent:
  • Cal. #261, S. Res.297 (Webb-Warner) Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
  • Cal. #262, S. Res.275 (Kerry-Kirk-Brown) Minute Man National Historic Park
  • Cal. #287, S.1053 (Murkowski) National Law Enforcement Museum
  • Cal. #291, S.1405 (Kennedy-Kerry-Kirk-Brown) Longfellow National Historic Site
  • Cal. #295, H.R.689 - Administrative Jurisdiction of certain lands (Feinstein-Boxer)
  • Cal. #297, H.R.1121 - Blue Ridge Parkway (Burr-Hagan)
  • Cal. #300, H.R.1442 - Mount Olivet Cemetery (Bennett-Hatch)
  • Cal. #305, H.R, 2802 - John Adams Memorial (Kerry-Brown)
  • The committee amendments, where applicable, were agreed to, and the bills were passed as amended, if amended.
  • Passed Calendar #195, H.R.3619: Coast Guard Authorization w/ substitute amendment
  • Adopted S.Res.480: Burma w. Gregg amendment
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.247: Use of Capitol Grounds--Soap Box Derby (June 19, 2010)
  • Adopted H.Con.Res.263: Use of Capitol Ground--D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
  • Adopted S.Res.503: Discharge Judiciary, Endangered Species
  • Adopted S.Res.515: Physical Education and Sports Day
  • Adopted S.Res.516: Americorps
  • Adopted S.Res.517: Train Day
  • Adopted S.Res.518: Nursing Home Week
  • Passed S.3333: Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act
  • The Senate confirmed the following nominations:
  • Calendar numbers 849 to and including 879 (all militar promotions), and all nominations on the Secretary's Desk in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy.