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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Thursday, May 07, 2009

  • The Senate passed the following amendments to S.454 by voice vote
  • Murray amendment #1052, as modified
  • Coburn amendment #1057
  • The Senate adopted the following resolutions:
  • S.Res.84, urging the Government of Canada to end the commercial seal hunt
  • S.Res.125, supporting the goals and ideals of National Train Day
  • S.Res.138, honoring the concerns of police survivors for 25 years of service to family members of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty
  • The Senate confirmed the following nominations:
  • Cal #110 Michael Nacht-Asst Sec of Defense
  • Cal #111 Elizabeth Lee King-Asst Sec of Defense
  • Cal #112 Wallace Gregson-Asst Sec Defense
  • Cal #113-128 Military promotions
  • All nominations on the Secretary's Desk in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy