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Republicans object to going to conference on Budget resolution

Prior to the vote on passage of Marketplace Fairness Act, Senator Reid asked consent to go to conference on the Budget resolution. Senator Cruz objected.

Request to go to conference on H.Con.Res.25 - Budget Resolution - FY2014


Leader:            I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed to the consideration of Calendar #33, H.Con.Res.25; that all after the enacting clause be stricken; that the amendment which is at the desk, the text of S.Con.Res.8, the budget resolution passed by the Senate, be inserted in lieu thereof; that H.Con.Res.25, as amended be agreed to; the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table; that the Senate insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses; and the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate, all with no intervening action or debate.

Chair:              Is there an objection to the request?

Cruz:                Reserved his right to object and asked that the Leader modify his request so that it not be in order for the Senate to consider a conference report that includes tax increases or reconciliation instructions to increase taxes or to raise the debt limit.

Senator Reid:  Declined to modify his request

Senator Cruz:  I object