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Senate Floor Wrap Up For Wednesday, April 29, 2009

  • Confirmed the following nominations:
  • Ronald Weich to be Assistant Attorney General;
  • April Boyd to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce;
  • Robert Rivkin to be General Counsel of the Department of Transportation;
  • Roy Kienitz to be Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;
  • Peter Appel to be Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Department of Transportation;
  • Dana Gresham to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation;
  • Joseph Szabo to be Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration;
  • Sherburne Abbott to be an Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy;
  • Vice Adm. David Pekoske to be Vice Admiral;
  • Rear Adm. John Currier to be Vice Admiral;
  • Capt. Robert Day, Jr to be Rear Admiral (Lower Half);
  • Rear Adm. Jody Breckenridge to be Vice Admiral; and all nominations on the Secretary's Desk.
  • Adopted S. Res.119, a resolution commending the University of Georgia gymnastics team for winning the 2009 NCAA Championship
  • Adopted S. Res.120, a resolution congratulating the Trinity College Bantams for their 11th straight College Squash Association Men's Team Championship