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12:05pm roll call votes; 1:45pm roll call vote; additional amendments pending

The Senate has reached an agreement that at 12:05pm today, the Senate will vote on the following amendments to H.R.636, FAA:

Thune-Nelson #3512, as modified (security) and

Heinrich #3482, as modified (security).

Further, at 1:45pm today the Senate will vote on Schumer SA #3483 (seat size).

The following amendments were made pending:

Casey/Toomey #3458, as modified (cockpit door);

Heller #3495 (veterans); and

Bennet #3524 (families).


12:05pm - 2 roll call votes

  1. Thune-Nelson #3512, as modified (security)
  2. Heinrich #3482, as modified (security)

1:45pm - 1 roll call vote

  1. Schumer #3483 (seat size)