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Senate Floor Schedule For Friday, April 04, 2008

  • The Senate is considering H.R.3221. The following amendments are pending to the bill: Dodd-Shelby #4387, (Housing Substitute) Sanders #4401 (Usury Rates) Cardin #4421 (Home Buyers Tax Credit) Ensign #4419 (Energy Tax) Alexander #4429 to #4419 (Wind Energy) Nelson (FL) #4423 (Penalty-Free Withdrawals) Lincoln #4382 (Legal Services) Snowe #4433 (Mortgage Revenue Bonds) Landrieu #4404 (Mortgage Bonds for hurricane affected areas) Sanders #4384 (Veterans)
  • Senator Reid filed cloture on amendment #4387 (Housing Substitute) and on H.R.3221, the underlying bill. The cloture vote on the Substitute amendment will occur at 2:15pm Tuesday, April 8.
  • Senator Reid filed cloture on the motion to proceed to Calendar #616 S.2739 (Land bills)
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm Monday